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Salish Sea Charts

“Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locupleissima Descriptio” by Abraham Ortelius

“Regni Hispaniae Post Omnium Editiones Locupleissima Descriptio” by Abraham Ortelius

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Subject: Spain & Portugal

Creator: Ortelius, Abraham

Date: 1598 (published)

Color: Hand Color

Size: 19.6 x 14.9 inches

Source: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum


This is a very attractive map of the Iberian peninsula surrounded by stipple engraved seas, in which there are ships and sea monsters. The land is full of cities, mountains and forests. A large strapwork title cartouche and scale of miles with a divider ornament the map. This is the fourth state, with stippling behind the sea names and French text on verso.

Condition: A due to a nice impression on paper with the common horn coat of arms watermark found on Ortelius maps. There are a couple of tiny worm holes along the centerfold, a minor damp stain in the bottom blank margin, and light toning along the edges of the sheet. There are some old manuscript notations, including very faint notations in the map and a page number below the map at right.

References: Van den Broecke #25.4

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