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Salish Sea Charts

"Afr: I Tab: (Northern Africa)" by Ptolemy/Mercator

"Afr: I Tab: (Northern Africa)" by Ptolemy/Mercator

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Subject: Northern Africa

Creator: Ptolemy/Mercator

Date: 1618 (published)

Color: Hand color

Size: 18.4x13.3 inches

Source: Theatrum Geographiae Veteris

Description: Decorative Ptolemaic map of Northern Africa with the southern part of Sardinia and Sicily and Malta. The sea is stipple engraved and contains two very fanciful sea monsters. At the lower border are a lion and a leopard. A decorative strapwork title cartouche completes the composition. Mercator originally published this map in his 1578 edition of Ptolemy's great Geography. Although Mercator is most renowned today for the projection he popularized and for first using the term Atlas for a collection of maps, he devoted much of his life to his Ptolemaic maps. The maps were beautifully engraved as nearly as possible to their original form and embellished with fine cartouches. This is the first state of this map, with the original cartouche at top right, which was re-engraved in 1695. Latin text on verso with an alternate title: Africae Tabula Secunda, Continens Africam Minorem, cum Insulis ipsi Adsitis... Published by Petrus Bertius, Isaac Elsevier and Jodocus Hondius Jr.

Condition: B+ due to minor toning in the image and a few small sports. There is heavy toning along the edges of the sheet along wit a number of tiny chips along the edges

References: Mickwitz & Miekkavaara #232-12; Van der Krogt (Vol. 1) #0912:1.1

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